Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Conjugate the French Verb Craindre (to Fear)
How to Conjugate the French Verb Craindre (to Fear) Craindreà (to fear)à is anà irregular -re verbà thats conjugated like all otherà French verbs ending in -aindre,à -eindre, andà -oindre.à This is evident in the conjugation table below that shows the simple conjugations of craindre; compound conjugations that consist of the conjugated auxiliary verb avoir and the past participle craint are not included in the table. Craindre: Conjugated Like all verbs ending in -aindre Irregular -re verbs fall into a few patterns that make memorizing their conjugations a little easier: verbs conjugated like prendre, verbs conjugated like battre, verbs including mettre and all its derivatives, those including rompre and its derivatives, and a fifth group including all verbs that end in -aindre like craindre, -eindre like peindre, and -oindre like joindre. A final group of very irregular verbs, such as dire, à ©crire, faire, have such unusual and unwieldy conjugations that they follow no pattern and need to be memorized in order to use them. The fifth group of verbs ending in -aindre like craindre drops the d in the stem in both singular and plural forms and adds a g in front of the n in plural forms. Other verbs like craindre include:à contraindreà to force, to compelà plaindreà à to pity, to feel sorry for Usage and Expressionsà Craindre is a transitive verb thats used in numerous idiomatic expressions. It can be translated as to fear, to be frightened of, or to be afraid of. The causative se faire craindre means to intimidate. craindre Dieuà à to go in fear of / to fear Godcraindre le pireà (familiar)à to fear the worstNe crains rien.à à Have no fear. /à Never fear. / Dont be afraid.Il ny a rien craindre.à Theres no cause for alarm. / Theres nothing to fear.Sa grosse voix le faisait craindre de tous ses à ©là ¨ves.à à His booming voice made all hisà pupilsà afraid of him.Elle saità se faire craindre de ses subordonnà ©s.à She knows how to intimidate her subordinates.Je ne crains pas les piqà »res.à à Im not afraidà of injections.Il y a tout craindre dune intervention militaire.à One can expect the worst from a military intervention.Craignant de la rà ©veiller, il a retirà © ses chaussures. He took off his shoes for fear of waking her up.Je crains de lavoir blessà ©e. à Im afraid Ive hurt her.Je crains fort quil (ne) soit dà ©j trop tard. à Im really afraid its already too late.Je crains que oui / non. Im afraid so / not.Ãâ¡a craint le froid. Its s ensitive to cold.Ãâ¡a craint. (very informal) Its a real pain. craindre pour quelquun / quelque chose to fear for somebody or something Simple Conjugations of the Irregular French -re Verb Craindre Present Future Imperfect Present participle je crains craindrai craignais craignant tu crains craindras craignais il craint craindra craignait nous craignons craindrons craignions vous craignez craindrez craigniez ils craignent craindront craignaient Pass compos Auxiliary verb avoir Past participle craint Subjunctive Conditional Pass simple Imperfect subjunctive je craigne craindrais craignis craignisse tu craignes craindrais craignis craignisses il craigne craindrait craignit craignt nous craignions craindrions craignmes craignissions vous craigniez craindriez craigntes craignissiez ils craignent craindraient craignirent craignissent Imperative (tu) crains (nous) craignons (vous) craignez
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